Dr. Hidayatullah
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    Dr. Hidayatullah verified

    My name is Hidayatullah, and people often call me Hidayat Kampai. I was born in Padang City, West Sumatra Province, Indonesia, and raised in Jakarta. My education includes a Bachelor's degree in Accounting, completed in 2007, a Professional Accountant Program completed in 2008, and a Master's degree in Accounting completed in 2010, all from Trisakti University. I also completed a Master's degree in Computer Science, specializing in information systems, in 2015 at Budi Luhur University, as well as a Master's degree in Law, specializing in Constitutional Law, in 2023. Furthermore, I completed a Doctorate in Economic Sciences, specializing in Accounting, in 2024 at Lampung University. In my academic career, I have been teaching at higher education institutions since 2006, at various institutions such as Bina Nusantara University, Trisakti University, Mercu Buana University, Bandar Lampung University, Lampung Accounting Academy, STIE Trisakti, and IIB Darmajaya Lampung. Professionally, since 2007 until now, I have been working as an active Auditor at a Public Accountant Firm. Additionally, I have served as a consultant in several companies in the fields of accounting and IT system development. I have been involved in several government IT projects.



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